Mittwoch, 18.04.2012
Support your local AStA e.V.!
DJ_anes: Majakovskij and the Rocket Engineers , We got Soul Dj-Team, Käptn Karacho
Beginn: 23:00
Eintritt: 3,00€
Ort: Mensa-Austraße
Gin-Tonic-Special 0,2l für 2,50€
Cuba Libre 0,3l für 3,5€
Donnerstag, 19.04.2012
Elections, Government and Recent Developments
We want to talk about the general condition of Iran regarding its government, its politics and also about the recent elections. We seek to explain the political situation of Iran from our view as former Iranian students as well as from outside. We hope that we all can learn something from this evening. Since we do not speak German, our talk and the following discussion will be in English.
Hadi, Ashkan and Siamak witnessed the protests of 2009 and are currently seeking asylum.
Ort: Balthasar, Balthasargässchen 1 (zwischen Schranne und Kaulberg)
Beginn: 20:00
Eintritt: frei